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CR Dog Park

It looks like this suggestion was posted way back in the summer, but I’d just like to reiterate it.  How about getting a designated dog park in CR? 

I think the whole community would benefit greatly from it.  There has got to be space near one of the existing parks in the community where a secure area could be made.  I think this is an issue that should be seriously considered by the board and taken to the Town for a look.  It seems like every 4th house in CR has a dog, and those dogs and families would definitely reap the benefits of a designated, secure dog park area.  The previous suggestion mentioned the dog park in Oro Valley as a great example.  

Hopefully this is something the board will take a serious look at.

 Brett S.

Add seniors web sites links

Add two seniors web links to your web site, as follows:

1. Senior Citizens/Retirees of Continental Ranch (SCRCR): A description of SCRCR club aims, activities, etc. can be found at

2. A series of photos from SCRCR’s founding in 1994 until present is at

Shady benches

My children truly enjoy the playgrounds, however it seems that the only benches to sit on near the playgrounds are always in the direct sun. It would be awesome to have shaded sitting areas.

Fitness Center

I certainly hope that everyone read the WHOLE article about the “possible” fitness center that the Strategic Planning Committee wants to put up!!  This center will cost each homeowner $2,000. as a one time assessment.  I don’t know about anyone else but I think it’s the dumbest suggestion we’ve ever had.  We have plenty of centers close by that people can use for a small fee.  And then, on top of the one time assessment fee our association fees are going to go up to pay for staff and upkeep.  I know that this is something that may be in the future, but PLEASE – write our management company and strategic planning committee to let them know that we do not want this center. 


Why not replace the natural grass at the front of Silverbell and Coachline with Artificial Turf which would save

Water and Labor costs to cut the Grass.


The Name for our improved Monthly Newsletter

Dear Continental Ranch Community Association, especially the Property Manager and the Board of Directors –

    I agree that we can improve and modernize our Monthly Newsletter; however, “The Windmill” has a certain “charm”.  I would like to see the name remain the same.

 Respectfully suggested,


George F. Erhardt

9841 N. Sunflower Park Drive

Tucson, Arizona 85743-5240



Fitness Center

I think constructing an indoor fitness center and perhaps several “PAR” courses(Basic workout areas with stations such as pull up bars, sit-up station, push-up station, stretching bars, rings etc.) outside throughout the Ranch would be great! That could improve the quality of life for many of the residents considering the state of fitness most of us are in. We already have a beautiful walk/ride/skate path along the Santa Cruz, and a Fitness Center and/or Par Courses would complement that. I’d even pay a small amount to help fund the on-going maintenance of the Fitness Center.

Number of pets allowed

I would like to suggestion that homeowners be permitted to have no more then 3 pets.  The size of the homes and yards seems small to allow 5 pets particularly if they are dogs.  Thank you.

Drop Box at WindMill Office

I would like to suggest that drop off box be added to the office at Windmill Park.  The drop off box would allow for individuals doing bussiness with CRCA to drop off keys, letters, payments ect during non working hours.  This is particularly useful for CRCA residents who cannot make it to the office during business hours.  Often time the CRCA business hours conflict the CRCA resident working hours.  For instance if the CRCA office opens at 8 AM and the resident has to return a key but they have to be at work at 8 AM then there is a conflict.  Likewise if office closes at 4 PM and the resident does not get off until 5 PM there is another conflict.  A drop box will give convinience to be able to leave business related items at the office during non working hours.  It is also a very in expensive addition to the office.