Presidents Message September/October 2024

Dear Residents,

I hope everyone had a great summer and is looking forward to the cooler weather ahead.

Many residents have noticed the high number of times the pools have been closed for human contamination. Please do your part to prevent human contamination from taking these amenities away from other community members (refer to pool rule #12). The emergency pool service to sanitize the pool is also an additional cost to the Association, which then requires 36-48 hours of closure.  Also, as a reminder, the Community Center pool closes on September 3rd, and the Windmill Park pool will close on November 1st. 

It’s time for the Annual Election, and four candidates are running for four open seats. I encourage you to attend the Meet the Candidates meeting on September 17, 2024, at 5:00 PM in the Community Center. It’s crucial to cast your vote to meet the quorum. Please review your packets in October and mail or drop off your absentee ballots at the office. In-person voting will take place during the Annual Meeting at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria of Coyote Trail Elementary School on October 22, 2024.

As October approaches, we have several community events planned:

  • Community Yard Sale: October 12th from 7:00 AM to 2:00 PM
  • Halloween Decorating Contest: October 17th (Judges needed – contact the office if interested)
  • Waste Management Bulk Pickup: October 19th – Items should be place outside by 6:00 AM
  • Annual Meeting: October 22nd at 6:00 PM in the cafeteria of Coyote Trail Elementary School
  • Waste Management Dumpster Event: October 25th and 26th at the west parking lot of Windmill Park

Lastly, please remember to be considerate when walking your pets by cleaning up after them. Neighbors continue to leave their pets’ droppings on the sidewalk, which can be unpleasant for others. Let’s all contribute to keeping our yards and sidewalks clean and safe.

Looking forward to seeing you participate and attend the upcoming events!

Peg Bracken