
President’s Message September/October 2016

We were really glad to have the Lego camp this year, at the newly remodeled community center. Quite a few Continental Ranch kids got to enjoy a fun and unique learning experience this summer. I hope we will see the camp back again next year with even more families participating.

It’s coming time again for the Annual Election and I hope we will see folks attending.  Since there are four open seats and four candidates running for those positions, the results are pretty much already decided but it is still very important for everyone to cast their votes. We need to have a certain number of votes received for the election to be valid so please take just a few moments to drop your ballots off at the office or mail them in. 

At the last meeting, the Board approved the annual budget which you will receive a copy of in your annual election packets this month. I was happy that we were still able to keep from raising dues.  This Board has been able to keep dues the same for eleven straight years. This is not an easy accomplishment, since the required contribution to our reserves (saving account) increases by quite a bit each and every year. Back in 2010 the annual amount required to be put into reserves was only $90k per year and has climbed each year to now being $187k in 2016.  Not only have we been able to keep from raising dues for over a decade, we are proud that Continental Ranch has some of if not the lowest dues in the entire Tucson area, while still offering nice amenities to its residents and making numerous improvements to the community during this time. 

President’s Message July/August 2016

It was really nice seeing over 20 CRCA residents taking advantage of the dog training classes that were offered at Windmill Park. Seeing that many home owners taking an interest in their pets was very satisfying. What was not at all acceptable was the 40+ pounds of dog poop that covered the baseball field before the classes started. Seeing how much dog poop there was I can only imagine what the little league baseball players had to put up with while practicing on the field. There seems to be a small group of people who must feel the rules do not apply to them- Windmill Park and the baseball field are not a dog park! Not only are there Pima County ordinances about unleashed dogs and not picking up the dogs poop- with substantial fines and possible jail time CRCA has in place a fine of $100 and a 30 day pool suspension for not having your dog on a leash and also a $100 fine and 30 day pool suspension for not picking up their poop. We will be strictly enforcing this as well as turning offenders over to Pima County. Be a good neighbor and obey the rules- they are there so everyone can enjoy our facilities. Windmill Park is NOT A DOG PARK!

Speaking of Windmill Park we will be fencing it off starting August 12th for two months to enable us to replace our irrigation system. We have experienced numerous leaks and issues with the current system which is over 25 years old and it is in serious need of replacement. We were going to replace it last spring but the contractor backed out at the last minute because we were going to have someone inspect the work daily to assure it was being done according to plan.

You will be noticing a new landscape maintenance contractor doing our community- it will be Complete Landscape- a local contractor in business since 1986. The performance of our last contractor in my opinion was not up to the standards we set as we experienced way too many dead and dying plants. Hopefully Complete will perform better for us.

Just a reminder that the lego camp starts July 11th for the kids. If you didn’t sign up contact the office before July 6th if you are interested.

Hopefully the monsoon will bring us some badly needed rain and cool us down a little.

President’s Message May/June 2016

The Easter Egg hunt was a great success again with over 600 CRCA children attending with parents and grandparents alike. We don’t realize how many families with young children live in Continental Ranch until we have an event like this. It would not have happened without the organization of Paula and the rest of the management staff we have along with the Boy Scouts and all the other volunteers who donate their time to this great activity. Thanks to all who helped and those that attended.

The Community Center remodel is going well and it will be available for use after May 14th. You should notice a marked improvement in the flooring, lighting, countertop and cabinets. The update was sorely needed and we had electrical updates that needed to be done along with the remodel. We will be replacing the tables and chairs as well as they are due for replacement under the Reserve Study.

To all you dog owners tired of being pulled around the community when walking your dog there will be dog classes offered at the Windmill Park baseball diamond starting Saturday May 14 with registration on Saturday7th from 9AM to 11AM. The classes run 7 weeks and cost $75.00 but will be offered to RCA homeowners for 25.00. See the ad in this newsletter and have some fun with the furry member of your family.

Summer is not far off and I’d like to mention the Lego camp coming to the community center this summer and run by if you want to check out their website. We have already received a number of sign ups so don’t let your child miss out by not looking at the flyer in this newsletter. It is a really neat experience from what I can see. It will run 3 hours a day for 5 days so get your kids out of the house and let them create. There are a limited number of scholarships available to those needing financial assistance.

President’s Message March/April 2016

With Windmill pool and splash pad opening the 1st of March everyone should be able to see and enjoy the remodeled bathrooms. They turned out really well and the floor actually drains now so we shouldn’t need the rubber mats from before. It was an extensive job but the contractor did a really nice job and hopefully everyone will appreciate the remodel.

The Easter Egg hunt will be held on March 26th and looks to be even more fun filled than last year. Anyone wishing to help out should contact the office as we could use more volunteers. It is very rewarding to see all the happy kids. The Monday following the Easter Egg hunt will be the start of replacing the irrigation at Windmill Park. The park will be fenced off and closed for use until all the digging and construction is complete. The irrigation system currently in the ground is over 25 years old and we have been very lucky with a system that old not having more major leaks. All the pipe and sprinkler heads will be replaced to give better coverage of the turf with the sprinklers. With the replacement system projected to save us from 1200 to 1400 gallons per cycle.
On March 16th the community center will also be closed for a remodel and should be available for use the end of April. The 12” vinyl tile squares will be replaced with porcelain tile flooring, the kitchen will get new cabinets, the small acoustic tiles on the ceiling (that are continually falling off) will be taken down with new sheet rock installed, the window blinds will be replaced as they were not worth repairing and everything will be repainted. It should make for a nicer community center.

You will see in this newsletter a new policy concerning weeds and lot clean ups. A large number of properties do not take care of weeds or dead plants and the BOD did not feel it was right for neighbors who take care of their properties should suffer for those that do not. What use to take up to two and a half months will now be the second letter giving 10 days to take care of the issues or the Association will do a lot clean and bill the homeowner.

The Association will be hosting a summer camp of sorts. It will be put on by Play Well ( and “teaches engineering to kids” using Legos and motorized Legos. See the ad in this newsletter for more info. Hopefully we can see this succeed.

President’s Message January/February 2016

Hopefully everyone had a safe and enjoyable holiday. The photos with Santa were a hit again with Santa enjoying the time as much as the children did. The holiday lighting contest had very nice entries and the judges enjoyed seeing all the work people had done in putting up their display. The community came forward again by giving to CRCA’s adopt a family program and I’m sure the family had a great Christmas thanks to the generosity of all those who shared their good fortune with them. We can only hope 2016 is a good year for all of us.

We are looking forward to the annual Easter egg hunt which will be Saturday March 26th this year. Planning is already going on to make this a better event than each previous year. If you’d like to help out and volunteer you will be rewarded by all the happy children that attend. Following the Easter egg hunt the Windmill park field and baseball diamond will be fenced of as we will be replacing the irrigation system for the grass. The current system is over 25 years old with some of the valves buried six feet deep. We have been lucky that we haven’t had any major issues with the age of the system.

The BOD is looking at possibly upgrading the community center with new lighting, flooring, paint and fixtures. The current linoleum was installed without leveling the slab underneath and is not in good shape. Repairing the wooden blinds would cost as much as replacing them with new ones and the ceiling tiles are continually falling down.

The Windmill pool bathroom remodel is on schedule and will make a big difference when reopened March 1st.