Vote on Town of Marana Logo

Vote on Town of Marana Logo!

Marana­, AZ– The Town of Marana celebrates 40 years of incorporation in 2017, and in recognition of the milestone, we will be introducing a new Town logo to replace the current logo and seal. The public is invited to be a part of the selection process, and can vote on their favorite of five proposed designs until October 31. The results will be presented to Town Council, who will then make the final selection. The public can vote now at:

The final logo redesign will be the result of a year-long project involving months of research, drafts, and staff and public input. Marana’s communication and design team worked with University of Arizona graphic design student Michael Hauri to research best practices and gather sketches and designs inspired by the current logo and seal, as well as the community’s natural environment. Initial design drafts were presented to Town staff, and the feedback collected was used to develop the final designs. Black and white versions of the proposed logos were presented to Town Council on September 13, and under Town Council direction, colorized versions were created in the Town’s signature teal and copper colors.

Public voting on the five proposed logos will last until the end of October, with Council selecting the final logo in November. Community members will begin seeing the new logo around the community beginning in early 2017. In tandem with this effort, the Town will also update Marana’s graphic standards, which provide guidelines for appropriate use of the logo. This mark will be used in a variety of applications, from vehicle branding to letterheads to T-shirt designs. The graphic standards will spell the specific requirements for using the brand in each of these settings.