
Drop Box at WindMill Office

I would like to suggest that drop off box be added to the office at Windmill Park.  The drop off box would allow for individuals doing bussiness with CRCA to drop off keys, letters, payments ect during non working hours.  This is particularly useful for CRCA residents who cannot make it to the office during business hours.  Often time the CRCA business hours conflict the CRCA resident working hours.  For instance if the CRCA office opens at 8 AM and the resident has to return a key but they have to be at work at 8 AM then there is a conflict.  Likewise if office closes at 4 PM and the resident does not get off until 5 PM there is another conflict.  A drop box will give convinience to be able to leave business related items at the office during non working hours.  It is also a very in expensive addition to the office.


Replace the builders billboard with a community message board by Fry’s

Why not have a community message board where all residents can drive by it instead of in front of the community center. It would definitely be an enhancement over the builders billboard sitting there on Silverbell at the north end of Fry’s parking lot. It might even inform more residents of community meetings etc.

Approved Plant List

I am glad to see that we will be revising the approved plant list, however with an anticipated “publish” date of the end of July (according to the July newsletter), I am disappointed that homeowner input has not yet been requested.  We have 3 weeks left in July and that does not leave much time to solicit input, review the suggestions and approve them.

I agree with a previous suggestion by another resident that we should look at providing a prohibited plant list instead of an approved plant list.  Indeed there are many plants that are appropriate for the area (low water, non-invasive, clean) that are not on the current approved plant list and are not “common” plants that most people are aware of.  If you look at the current approved plant list you will see that the UofA makes notes on some of them that include “not recommended for use in Arizona.”

dog park

As a responsible pet owner and also a homeowner who observes the daily life cycle at CR Community Park, I would support CR HOA working with ToM to develop a dog park in the area.  If at CR Community Park, the far southeast corner would be great – many people play there with their dogs and it would seem not to interfere with the ball fields (baseball or soccer.)  The dog park at the far north end of James Kreig (sp?) Park in Oro Valley is an excellent example.  ToM “ownership” of a dog park would hopefully alleviate HOA liability issues.  This suggestion was previously submitted to the Long Range Planning Committee but never heard anything back. 

 Thanks for your consideration – the Suggestion Box is a great idea!

 Pam Carden