
President’s Message December 2011

Hopefully everyone had an enjoyable and festive Thanksgiving. With the Christmas season upon us we sometimes get caught up in just the commercial side of the holiday. With an Activities committee that has lost enough members to put into question the viability of supporting

community activities the BOD committed to personal support of the Christmas Light Contest and the Adopt a Family for this month. Given that there was no planning done for the Adopt a Family from CRCA by the committee we cannot put a wish list for donations to a family struggling at this time in this newsletter. A giving tree will be in the lobby of the office

with “wishes” on the tree from the family or families we are trying to help at this sometimes not so joyous time of year for some. Please, try to find the time to try to help someone not sharing the blessings some of us have and make a wish come true for a neighbor by stopping by the office and picking up a wish. It is with regret that we had to accept the resignation of Rob Palfreyman from the BOD. Rob just has too much going on with his work and family to devote the time required to be on the BOD. Thank you for all the time and effort you put in Rob- CRCA is a better place because of you. Rob will still remain as a member of the landscape committee and is a valued asset with his extensive landscape and plant knowledge. The BOD would like to welcome Roxanne Ziegler to the BOD. Roxanne was unanimously appointed to replace Rob at the November 17th meeting. She brings new perspectives and a definite interest in the community as evidenced by her time and efforts on the Marana Town council. The new flag pole is up and we just received the flag that was flown over the capitol in Washington DC. The

girl scouts and boy scouts will be raising the flag on December 10th at 10am. Please plan on attending and show your support to what the flag represents. I would personally like to thank all those involved in the association and wish all of you and all my neighbors here in CRCA a Merry Christmas.

President’s Message October 2011

Having received your property tax assessments from Pima County there is an assessment that most of us pay little attention to. That assessment is listed as CMID (Cortaro Marana Irrigation District) and is being levied on a large majority of CRCA homeowners. CMID has been in existence since 1919 and serves approximately 70 irrigation customers (farmers) and also wholesales water to the Town of Marana for its potable water distribution system. Before CRCA was built for home development a large portion of it was used for lettuce farming and irrigation was needed by the farmers. After the development of CRCA no change was made to the taxing abilities of CMID and all homeowners within the district are taxed at a rate of $66 an acre. While most properties are far less than an acre you are still taxed at the percentage of an acre you have. While most homeowners only see a $20 to $30 dollar a year tax obligation it does make a difference in today’s world of tight budgets. It makes one wonder why CMID is able to receive taxes from property owners who receive no irrigation water from the District but still get taxed? The BOD is currently investigating options for the affected homeowners.


By now everyone has received their ballot for the election of BOD members. While there are only four candidates for the four BOD positions please return your ballots so we may attain a quorum to certify the results. BOD members receive no compensation for their time in trying to make the Association and CRCA a great place to live.