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President’s Message May/June 2023

Hello Everyone,

We had a great turnout at the Annual Easter Egg Hunt on April 8th, and it was so nice to see so many families enjoying the spring day. I want to give a big thank you to Paula Bellina, and all the volunteers, for organizing and setting things up. Everyone worked together to bring the most significant CRCA event of the season to our community. I want to thank the residents who generously volunteered their time and contributed to making this event possible. Special thanks to the Boy Scouts Troop #219 and AAA Landscape for the immense help they provided as well. We also had a great turnout at the pool after the event. I hope everyone is looking forward to the community center pool opening this May 19th. Just a friendly reminder, our semi-annual assessments are due May 1st and are considered late after May 15th. Please keep current on your dues to avoid going into delinquency status. If you are having financial issues, please reach out to the management office to set up some type of arrangement. I would also like to remind everyone that we are still in ‘weeds’ season. Please pay special attention to managing front yard weeds so that we can keep our community looking great. AAA Landscape is currently addressing community weeds and their spray division is working closely with the maintenance crew.

Thank you again everyone and enjoy this upcoming summer. 

Peg Bracken