President’s Message July 2012

I reported in last month’s newsletter that the shade structure at the community center pool was never designed for usage in a pool area, that corrosion had occurred because of exposure to water resulting in it being unsafe and that the BOD made it a priority item to replace it ASAP. Management went right to work on investigating the replacement and I am sorry to say that this project will take longer to complete than we had hoped. Between engineers designing it, permitting required by the Town of Marana, and the 6 to 8 weeks to build it, we were informed that the replacement of the shade would take until at least October. The BOD decided to wait until the pool is closed and to perform the work then. The BOD did approve relocating the existing shade structure to the Mountain Sky pocket park.


We were able to move forward with a few other projects that have been under consideration for some time. The security lights as well as the parking lot lights at the community center will be replaced with low energy usage LED bulbs. We are anticipating our electric bill for just replacing the parking lot lights with LED’s will be reduced from a monthly cost of $440.43 to $37.36 a month. It is safely projected that we will receive back our full investment in this project in 5 years with energy savings. If TEP reinstates their utility rebate program we will be eligible for a rebate of $3670.00 as well.


Access to the Windmill Park Ramada’s and the park itself will be enhanced for the handicapped as well as all residents by the continuation of the brick walkway from the office to the ramadas.  A culvert will be installed with a raised walkway over the drainage swale in the grass making this fully accessible to all residents and the area between and around the ramadas will be bricked. It should be a great improvement to our community.


As most of you are aware CRCA has had numerous incidences of vandalism and trespass after hours. A number of monument lights were destroyed with rocks smashing the cages and lights recently. The BOD approved replacing the lights with a different fixture in hopes of stopping this type of vandalism. The BOD also approved upgrading of the security cameras at the community center as well.


All of these projects are within budget and will add great benefit to this community as well as future cost savings. This BOD has been able to complete a large number of projects that have enhanced CRCA with no dues increase required. The finance committee will be preparing next year’s budget to present to the BOD- hopefully they will present a proposed budget that sees no increase in dues or cuts to existing goals.