President’s Message June 2011
Having returned from an extended business trip to Canada I was pleasantly surprised by the landscape changes going on here in CRCA. I would like to thank the landscape committee for all the planning and hard work they have put into making CRCA more attractive. The new monument landscaping and the additions to Twin Peaks are a very real improvement to anyone entering our community. The retention pond drainage project is done at Windmill Park and DLC is working on restoration of the turf on the baseball and soccer/football field. Hopefully it will be open for use by the 4th of July holiday. With that said, I am very upset with the amount of new plantings that someone in the community has chosen to steal from Twin Peaks Road. Over 28 plants, trees and cacti have been stolen at a cost of over $500.00 to replace. Anyone seeing or knowing of the person or persons involved in these out right thefts please contact the office so we can stop these senseless acts. Remember- there is a $500 reward for the information leading to the arrest and conviction of any vandalism here in CRCA.
While it is the “fiduciary duty” of the BOD to enforce the CC&R’s we felt that the way that covenants enforcement was handled was too harsh and counterproductive to the ultimate goal of compliance. We are all neighbors here in Continental Ranch and as such want a community that we can all be proud of. With the current value of our homes declining over the past years- because of the economic conditions- it becomes even more important that preserving property values by maintaining the appearance of the homes is a goal shared in the community. We all share in making the greatest single investment we have made in our lives- our Homes and only want them to grow in value.
The covenants enforcement person’s title has been changed to Homeowner Covenants Liaison. There will be more attempts at personal contact and attempting to resolve any issues rather than just the past “violation letters” threatening fines. While this is a new approach it does not eliminate the eventual fines or loss of pool privileges if compliance is not achieved. Please contact the office with your most current phone number or e mail so that we can move forward with this friendlier approach to resolving compliance issues. We cannot make CRCA the kind of community we all desire without your help.