President’s Message April 2010
Continental Ranch
After receiving responses to the Request for Proposals (RFP) in December of 2009, the Landscape Committee and BOD spent a lot of time reviewing each proposal and narrowing the field to the four companies they felt were up to doing common area landscape maintenance for CRCA. There were onsite tours made of the four selected bidders’ reference properties and all four companies were invited to do a 15 minute presentation at the March 10th study session. The BOD unanimously selected DLC Resources to take over the maintenance contract on April 18, 2010. We would like to thank The Groundskeeper for their past service to CRCA and welcome DLC as our new landscaper.
The office, as well as myself, have fielded numerous complaints about the weeds and rodent holes along Silverbell road. CRCA does not own the property behind the sidewalk to the wall along Silverbell Road- this is public right of way owned by the Town of Marana and as such is their responsibility.
The Northwest YMCA approached me about providing programs within CRCA for our residents. We are partnering with the YMCA in an attempt to bring more activities to our members. There will be an Open House at the Community Center on Sunday, April 24th from 1PM to 4PM with staff from the YMCA present to provide information on possible programs that will be available to CRCA if enough people are interested. They are currently working with the Senior Citizens of CRCA to bring in their Silver Sneakers program into our community. They offer everything from day camps to youth sports programs to Itty Bitty sports for 3-4 year olds. Please plan to attend as we are only limited by the interest you show. With the Town of Marana experiencing budget cuts who knows what activities might be cut as a result.
Your next semiannual billing for dues will arrive shortly and will be different than in the past. In the mailing will be a letter explaining the six alternate ways to pay. You will be able to access your account online. This is a result of converting over to the VMS system and will be more efficient and provide more options to residents. If you have questions, after receiving your billing, staff will be more than willing to answer your questions.
I have been your BOD President for the past 17 months. The majority of issues that this BOD has faced are a result of actions by the Association in the past and not your current BOD. Through policies and actions adopted and enacted by past BOD’s and management companies we have had to readdress a large number of issues, both legally and financially. I apologize for any inconveniences you are or will experience in using our facilities as we bring them up to the standards required under the CC&R’s. The entry way to the offices will be undergoing removal and replacement because of liability issues with the current condition of the concrete walkway. The Windmill pool fence will require unplanned replacement because of rust issues not properly addressed in the past. This BOD inherited a mess and has diligently worked to make CRCA a better community while meeting our “fiduciary duty” to the Corporation. I appreciate the commitment of the current Board and Committee members and the time they give to our Association. Rest assured we will diligently follow through on our promises to the community.