President’s Message September 2010
The BOD approved the proposed budget at the August BOD meeting which means homeowner dues will remain the same for 2011. The BOD would like to thank the Finance Committee for all the hard work to come up with a budget for next year that does not require an increase in dues; while maintaining the common areas and facilities to the high standard we should expect as homeowners. If you are having trouble meeting the obligation of paying your dues, please contact management so that a payment plan can be arranged and we do not have to turn it over to collections.
In past years the BOD relied on CC&R violations as a source of income to the Association. The fiscal year 2007-2008 saw $66,230.00 in fines collected from homeowners. The Finance committee and BOD agreed that this should not be considered as income in making the budget for 2010-2011. We have budgeted zero dollars from fines under income. This does not mean that the CC&R’s are not being enforced- fines are still a method to achieve compliance with the documents we all signed. The management company attempts to resolve violations by communicating with the homeowners before sending violation notices- which in most cases has been quite successful. Fines levied by the Board are available if cooperation with owner is not achieved and the violation continues to occur.
With school back in session we are starting to see more vandalism (kicking over and destroying) common area plants next to school bus stops. We will be asking the school district that bus stops be moved if this continues. Please, tell your children to not destroy these plants as it costs all homeowners paying dues to replace them and they might be moving their current bus stop. If you do see destruction of plants or any other Association property please report it to the management company. We are still offering a $500.00 reward for this information.
While I keep reporting about vandalism it is nice to be able to report a good deed by a group of young people from CRCA. Boy Scout Troop #259 and the LDS youth group spent a couple of hours sifting the sand at the Windmill Park play structure on August 18th. There was a large amount of foreign debris in the sand and we greatly appreciate the great job they did. Thanks girls and guys!