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President’s Message July/August 2015

It was only a matter of time, but the triple digit temperatures are back. The 100’s in Arizona are like death and taxes- pretty much a sure thing. Try to keep hydrated and cool. It seems like a larger number of homeowners and their families are doing just that at the Windmill pool and splash pad. I don’t think I have ever seen it as busy as it has been lately. Please remember there are pool rules that are enforced so that everyone can enjoy the pool and splash pad. I just returned from a trip to Anchorage Alaska for my grandson’s wedding- what a difference! Highs were in the low 70’s and the sun didn’t set until midnight and was right back up at 4:00AM and the mosquitoes were out all hours.

The finance committee will be finalizing next year’s budget at their next meeting with the goal of not raising dues but still keeping things up to a high standard. The landscape committee is looking at replacing the irrigation at Windmill Park and the baseball diamond. It was installed over 20 years ago with some of the valves five to six feet deep along with serious flaws in the water distribution from the sprinklers. Some areas are receiving too much water and others not enough. The new plan should drop water usage 40 to 50% and give us even distribution.

The Fourth of July is coming, let’s celebrate this great nation’s independence and values that so many have sacrificed for over the many years this great county has been in existence. Have a safe and happy fourth.