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President’s Message March 2015

While it was nice to see the rains come in December and January they have an adverse side effect as well.  WEEDS!  Looking around our common areas we took the landscape crew to task for the large number of weeds growing around our community and they went on a weed control mission to eliminate them.  While we use pre-emergent on all of our common areas, the rains allowed the seeds to germinate that had blown in from other areas anyway.  There are a large number of covenants letters going out to homeowners who have not taken care of the weeds on their property.  Please take control of the weeds if you receive a letter so CRCA can appear well-maintained.

We were hoping to have the new splash pad ready to go by March 1st but our contractor failed to meet the schedule we gave them.  They will be installing the equipment and testing it the first week of March and hopefully we can have it up and running no later than the 15th of March.  Watch the reader board at the Community Center when we have a firm opening date and make sure you leave your e-mail address at the office so we can send out an e-mail blast.  It should be a great addition to our community and should be enjoyed by the children living here.  Windmill pool will still reopen on March 1st even though the splash pad is not completed.

I have written about his issue before but I am still continually surprised by the large number of children using the play structure at the Windmill Park playground area.  I am also surprised at how many children and families enjoy the turf area that is really looking nice.  It is too bad that there are a few individuals who believe there is a Poop Fairy who will wave their magic wand and the piles left by their dogs will magically disappear.  There is no Poop Fairy and the piles left are being picked up on kid’s shoes.  Not only that, but there are very real health issues with dog feces as well as it being against the law to not scoop your poop. It is not limited to just Windmill Park but throughout CRCA. Please be considerate of your neighbors and don’t wait for the Poop Fairy to appear – scoop your dog’s poop.