Activities Committee
Continental Ranch is a beautiful community with many active residents and families. There are currently no members on the Activities Committee, however in past years different groups of volunteers have donated their time and effort to help organize community events. Although the Committee is currently inactive, the Board and Management (with the help of other volunteer residents) continue to coordinate community events.
Some past events have included:
Fall Festival
Spring Festival
Halloween Festival
Horse Drawn Carriage Holiday Caroling 2012
Horse Drawn Carriage Holiday Caroling 2013
Holiday Decorating Contest 2010
Holiday Decorating Contest 2011
Holiday Decorating Contest 2012
Holiday Decorating Contest 2013
The coordinated events change from year to year, so be involved with the Activities Committee if you would like to help shape the upcoming seasonal fun! The Activities Committee is also active in charity support, such as food drives to support local the food bank and adopting local families to brighten their holidays during unfortunate times.
Currently, there are not enough volunteers to form a Committee, and the Board of Directors works with management to coordinate events. If you would be interested in forming a new Activities Committee please call the CRCA office at 297-7600 and let them know.