President’s Message August 2010

Serving on a committee or on the Board of Directors for CRCA requires a commitment of time and energy. None of these positions are paid positions and we sometimes struggle to get homeowner involvement. I would like to thank Chuck Stead for the time and commitment he made while serving on the BOD for the last two years. Chuck was an asset to the CRCA BOD; his new position at work does not allow him the time needed to commit to CRCA and has required him to resign from the BOD. We wish him all the best and thank him for what he contributed to CRCA. The BOD appointed Larry Lemieux to replace Chuck at the July 14th BOD meeting. Larry has been very active in the ARC and is running for the BOD in the next election. Welcome onboard Larry.

The Finance Committee has been working hard on the budget for 2011 and will be finalizing it at their next meeting on August 12th. They have worked diligently to present a budget that meets the needs of CRCA while not raising dues. There are a lot of projects that we would all like to see done but the Finance Committee has been able to prioritize the wish lists presented by the various committees to a realistic budget. While it is not easy to deny requests for improvements to CRCA the committee has done a very good job and they should be congratulated on the proposed budget.

You might have noticed the mounds of dirt along Silverbell Road at numerous entryways- not the prairie dog mounds. These mounds are the result of new solar lighting for the unlighted entryways and upgraded lighting at the existing lighted ones. This project includes all entryways that are signed and hopefully will be completed shortly. Once the temperatures drop lower we should see the entryway landscaping project start. The Landscape committee is working to enhance the entryways at all parcels to make them more inviting.

The management company walked Coachline Blvd from Silverbell Road to the wash near Windmill Park and counted 97 drips going to nothing. DLC the new landscape company for CRCA has capped over 450 drips since taking on the maintenance of our common areas. These drips went to plants at one time that were removed and were never replaced. The BOD has directed the Landscape committee to replace any plants removed with like kind plantings. We will paying particular attention to ALL common area landscaping in an effort to enhance these to the high standard required by the CC&R’s.