President’s Message February 2010

Continental Ranch

We are far enough into 2010 now that I think I’ve adjusted to writing it on my checks, instead 2009. The New Year brought us much needed rain (I could have done without the wind) but the sun has come back and the snow showing on the Catalina’s reminds me why I left Anchorage, Alaska to live here.

The landscape committee had eleven responders to the Request for Proposals (RFP) they sent out in December for the landscape contract to maintain our common areas. They sent their recommendation of the top three proposals they had chosen while meeting their budgetary constraints to the BOD at the last meeting. The three chosen were: Groundskeeper, Northwest Landscaping and Complete Landscaping. The BOD and landscape committee will conduct a tour of properties maintained by the three chosen; on Saturday, February 6th at 10:00 AM. Interested residents are encouraged to participate.  Tour reservations are needed in the office by Thursday, February 4th so that adequate transportation may be arranged.


The Town of Marana staff (and hopefully the Mayor) will be at the February 10th study session soliciting input from CRCA.  Below is an excerpt from an e mail received from the town council liaison:

“Just like you have to decide what to spend your household budget on when money gets tight, the town must also make decisions about what level of services can be funded when less money is coming in. With this in mind, Town Council and management would like to visit your neighborhood or social organization to discuss priorities for funding for the upcoming budget year. Money that funds town services continues to be affected by the economic recession, compounded by a state fiscal crisis that is expected to last for several years. It’s important that Council and staff receive comments from citizens as we begin to create a budget for next year that includes the services that reflect our community values.”

Please plan on attending this important meeting to supply input to the town as it prepares its’ budget for the coming year. Without our input they will not know what services reflect our “community values”. Remember – we are all in this together!

I have no new news on the Waste Management issue or the current status of the negotiations with our past collections attorney. As information becomes available we will provide it to the community.